Briles Private Safari
Date 2024/03/13 14:16:58 by Cathy Briles
While at Laikipia Wilderness Camp, one afternoon at tea time, Dan asked Wanda and I if we would like to do Fly Camp. We pounced on the opportunity and quickly threw a "necessity" bag together so we were ready to be dropped off after our evening game drive.What is Fly Camp? It is a very unique experience where you stay overnight out in the bush. Your dinner is prepared over hot coals in front of the campfire, you sleep in a small tent with a nice cozy cot under a mosquito net, with the star-studded sky above you and nothing but a thin drape of canvas for walls to separate you from the magnificent sounds of the wild surrounding you. This is not glamping. It is rustic, no shower or plumbing.
We arrived, after being a little lost, in the deep darkness. We soon enjoyed a yummy supper. We couldn't see our surroundings beyond what was lit with the campfire and some solar lanterns. Dan assured us we'd be blown away with morning light.During the night we could hear lions chuffing at various times, getting louder each time and wondering where they close? I could see that the guys had put some additional wood on the fire. We could also hear hyenas in the distance. Despite the animal sounds, we felt safe knowing that our guide and tracker were sleeping nearby along with Trigger, the guard dog.Before first light, we emerged from our tent. Over a hot cup of coffee around the fire we watched the sun begin its ascent, popping over the ridgeline bathing the valley in morning light where we could see giraffes munching on tree leaves for their breakfast. It was chilly and we wrapped ourselves in shuka cloths, thankful for the warmth of the fire and sunshine on our faces.
This was a truly unique African experience and you might ask would I do it again? The answer is yes, in a heartbeat!All Images & Text by: Cathy Briles